This feature allows members to create their own mini sites for account promotion. Visitors who will signup in the system using this site will be registered with the owner of the site as sponsor. Members in the system can create as many pages as admin will set as maximum amount for pages in admin panel. All these pages will be shoan as new section in top menu. This site is using the default template of the system. It is a very powerful tool for network marketing as members can promote their account in other sources and get more referrals.
Administrator actions
- 1. Login to admin panel and click on Settings / Site Settings section in top menu. In Members Promotional Tools section please turn on Replicated Sites Accessibility checkbox to activate the feature (Activation of this feature will allow members to have their own replicated site) and define Max number of the members pages value (It is the amount of pages member can create within their replicated site).
- 2. Open Members List page and activate this feature for the members who want to use this feature. Just click on the 'lamp' icon
to turn green
in Version3 (in Shop+ version click on
icon to turn
) to change replicated site activity status to active.
- 3. Admin can always see and visit members' replicated sites and change activity status of the pages created by clicking on "Replicated Site" icon on Members List page.
Members actions from backoffice (example given is for MLM Builder Script Version3)
- 1. If the feature is activated in admin panel members can see the link to their replicated site in left menu - Promotion tab. Member should add personal URL (no spaces and special symbols allowed) and turn the activity status of the replicated site on by checking Show My Site checkbox like it is shown in the image below ( is your site URL and "somename" is defined by member as personal URL. Clicking on update button the relicated site is active by default.
- 2. After creating the URL member needs to create at least one page with the content for their personal website. New page is inactive by default so member should click on Change activity Status icon to make it active.
NOTE: Replicated site is not available until at least one page with content is created by member and is active.
- 3. After all the actions above are made the replicated site is shown in web like with page created by member as index page and link to this page in top menu. All the visitors who go through the registration process in this site will have the author of the page as referrer in the system.
NOTE: slash in the end of replicated site URL is obligotary!